Some facts about chess

1. The number of possible unique chess games is much greater than the number of electrons in the universe. The number of electrons is estimated to be about 10^79, while the number of unique chess games is 10^120.

2. The longest chess game theoretically possible is 5,949 moves.

3. The longest time for a Castling move to take place was the match game between Bobotsor vs. Irkov in 1966: 46. 0-0.

4. As late as 1561, Castling was two moves. You had to play R-KB1 on one move and K-KN1 on the next move.

5. The word “Checkmate” in Chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah Mat,” which means “the King is dead.”

6. Blathy, Otto (1860-1939), credited for creating the longest Chess Problem, mate in 290 moves.

7. The Police raided a Chess Tournament in Cleveland in 1973, arrested the Tournament director and confiscated the Chess sets on charges of allowing gambling (cash prizes to winners) and possession of gambling devices (the Chess sets).

8. The number of possibilities of a Knight’s tour is over 122 million.

9. The longest official chess game lasted 269 moves (I. Nikolic – Arsovic, Belgrade 1989) and ended in a draw.

10. From the starting position, there are eight different ways to Mate in two moves and 355 different ways to Mate in three moves.

11. The new Pawn move, advancing two squares on its first move instead of one, was first introduced in Spain in 1280.

12. Dr. Emanuel Lasker from Germany retained the World Chess Champion title for more time than any other player ever: 26 years and 337 days.

13. In 1985, the Soviet player Garry Kasparov became the youngest World Chess Champion ever at the age of 22 years and 210 days.

14. The first Chessboard with alternating light and dark squares appears in Europe in 1090.

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