How Hacker Hack front camera with camphish tool by kidnapshadow

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Today Topic is how hacker hack device front camera with help of camphish tool within 2-3 minutees


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camphish ::- CamPhish is techniques to take cam shots of target's phone front camera or PC webcam. CamPhish Hosts a fake website on in built PHP server and uses ngrok & serveo to generate a link which we will forward to the target, which can be used on over internet. website asks for camera permission and if the target allows it, this tool grab camshots of target's device

open the kali terminal and copy my command

git clone 

// git clone used to clone camphish tool in linux //

cd Camphish 

// cd is used to change directory or go camphish directory // 


// ls used for show all file/folder available in dir //

chmod +x *

// chomod give you all permission of that file //


// bash is used to run bash scripting //

after select 1

then select any one of this but i chosse 3

when you try first time you want to configure ngrok authtoken

for ngrok authtoken you want to go ngrok website.

 after that you send link to victim and enjoy 

 but it only for eduational purpose

 then start capture photo



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